Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Little Closer . . . A Little Closer . . .

Bloggers worried that McCain hasn't savaged Obama sufficiently for his various failings might want to think about tactics. The very best time to cut loose is during the debate tonight. It's important not to give Obama an excuse to cancel or postpone it. Let him think it's going to be an easy victory. Once they're both on stage with nowhere to hide, McCain can work on goading Obama into revealing himself as a stuttering weasel, haughty porcupine, deer in the headlights, or all three. The big prize: inciting him to stalk off-stage and refuse to continue. A 'No Mas' ending would not be entirely out of character for a man like Obama. He walked away after only eight questions at a press conference a few months ago, and it's conceivable that he would do the same with much higher stakes. We shall see.


Joan of Argghh! said...

From your lips to McCain's ears.


RebeccaH said...

If Obama walks off the stage in a huff, he's done. That's why I don't think he'll do it. But the stuttering, weaseling, and petty sniping is not only a delicious possibility, it's a likelihood.

Hollowpoint1938 said...

So, Doctor, would you prescribe a little moud-control drug for BHO tonight?

Charlie Martin said...

We're thinking along similar lines. See my article in today's american Thinker.